About Us

Why are we here? We saw problems in the cryptocurrency industry: people don’t have enough ultra-specific information to make wise decisions, largely due to:

  • Lack of transparency in the cryptocurrency market
  • Decision critical information gets lost in a sea of crypto news and other content
  • Difficulty in understanding how to use cryptocurrencies
  • Difficulty in understanding how to create value with cryptocurrencies
  • Difficulty in attracting new users to the market because it’s so confusing and intimidating.

People don’t know where to go to get fast, accurate, reliable information about crypto coins and tokens — and they don’t know how to tell if a coin is worth investing in. That’s why we created LoveHateInuWire.com — to help people understand how to use cryptocurrencies, create value with them, and make the most of their investment.

Along the way, we’ve had some wins. We started out with nothing but an idea, and now we are helping to build a thriving community of crypto enthusiasts who can rely on us for their daily dose of news and analysis. 

Our mission is to provide a platform for people who are passionate about cryptocurrency to acquire actionable knowledge and education about the value of decentralized currencies.

We believe in the power of open information—it’s what makes our platform so unique. We know that when more people understand what cryptocurrencies are, how they work, and how they can be used to improve people’s lives, they’ll be able to make better decisions about their finances and investments.

We want to keep building that community by providing them with the best possible info so they can make smart choices about what coins they invest in.

We know that not all cryptocurrencies are created equal, so we’ve created an easy way for you to find out which coins are worth your time, effort, and money.

If you’d like to reach out directly, please email us.